IBM Cloud Mobile Optimization
The problem:
The IBM Hybrid Cloud team knew there was a massive issue with mobile engagement rates on the a Hybrid Cloud pages. They saw that mobile traffic was steadily increasing while engagement rates were staying stagnant.
We evaluated current page analytics to decide which section of the website to redesign that would make the biggest impact. We gathered data insights, created concepts and pushed our ideas live to help make an internal case for IBM to optimize all their mobile pages.
3 weeks, 1 month of data collection
Mobile best practices presentation output
Current state audit and analysis output
Data measurement framework strategy
Proof of concept presentation output
Development support
Lead Creative Experience Designer
The Results
After collecting a months worth of data after each mobile pages were deployed, I also designed an interactive prototype to help present the data findings in a visually compelling way. The goal was to provide a case study of this project to the board at IBM for additional budget to redesign the rest of IBM’s website to be mobile friendly.
After deployment, there was an increase of 10% engagement rate from 5% which forecasted an additional $330k revenue within a span of 3 months on one mobile page alone. After presenting the results to the board, the IBM team was able to approve the mobile optimization work across the whole organization which provided value in improving mobile experiences for IBM. This project resulted in over $3M of additional work for Ogilvy.